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Bible Timeline Events for January

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As we enter the new year let’s look to see what Bible timeline events took place in the Bible during this month on January.

The new year is a great time to learn more about the Biblical calendar and what God has done in years past. When you mark these days on your calendar, be sure to look up the verses and pray that God would give you fresh insight into these events.

  • New Moon/New Month: The month of Tevet begins today. Tevet is pronounced tey-VET.
  • Mountains: After months of seeing only water, the floodwaters decreased enough for Noah and his family to see mountain peaks. Genesis 8:5
  • Esther at the Palace: In the tenth month, Esther was taken to the palace of the king to begin her year of beauty treatments before meeting the king. Esther 2:16.

Feast of Lights – Day 8: The last day of the eight-day celebration, known as the Feast of Dedication or the Feast of Lights, ends tonight. Tonight all nine candles are lit. John 10:22

Feast of Lights
  • Death of Ezra: On Tevet 9, 313 BC, Ezra died. He served as a priest, scribe, and teacher of the law. (Ezra 7:9-11) He led the
    second group of captives from Babylon to Jerusalem. In Babylon, he was part of the 120 elders known as the Men of
    the Great Assembly.
  • Death of the Apostle Peter: Traditionally, this is the date of the Apostle Peter’s death. Jesus warned Peter about the way he would die in John 21:18-19. Peter is buried under the St. Peter’s Basilica in Italy.
  • Siege of Jerusalem Began:Scripture records Tevet 10 as the day King Nebuchadnezzar of  Babylon and his army
    came against Jerusalem and encamped around the city. This siege of Jerusalem would last several months, ending with
    the destruction of the First Temple and the people of Judah being taken captive into Babylon. 2 Kings 25:1
  • New Years Day:Today is the new year throughout the world. The biblical new year begins in the spring. The Jewish civil year begins in the fall.
  • Simeon: Jewish tradition recognizes this date as the birthday of Simeon, son of Jacob. Simeon was the second son born to Leah and Jacob. He lived to be 120 years old.   Genesis 29:33
  • New Moon/New Month: The month of Shevat begins today at sunset. Shevat is pronounced shuh-VAT.

Now that you know the Bible timeline events for January, it’s time to bring them to life on your calendar! The 2025 Printable Biblical Calendar Set makes it easy to see how biblical events align with the modern calendar, helping you stay connected to God’s Word throughout the year.

Mark the dates, explore the events, and celebrate God’s story in your everyday life. As you plan for 2025, reflect on what God has done and ask Him to guide your steps in the year ahead.

Don’t miss out—grab your 2025 Biblical Calendar Set today and start your journey through the Bible like never before!

Get Your Calendar Now!

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