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God is Still in the Miracle Business

Written by Dianna Wiebe on .

“Mom they are life-flighting her,” my son said through tears.

For those who have had a tragic event, you know the feelings of fear, helplessness, and the instant prayers to the Lord that happened simultaneously. I was grateful to be with my sisters-in-law who hugged me and prayed with me. Influenza B and pneumonia had turned dangerous in a very short time span for my four-year-old granddaughter.

Over the next few hours I received more text updates:

They can’t stabilize her enough to get her on the plane!

They have taken off

They can’t stabilize her to get her off the plane and transferred to the ambulance!

We are finally in the ambulance but it is not going well. They are fighting for her!

The traffic won’t clear for us to get to the hospital.

At the hospital!

Over the next 24 hours we heard terms like:

  • Brain damage
  • Superbug
  • Non-functioning lung
  • Heart issues
  • Sepsis
  • Complex case

As the grandmother, I would have preferred to have the Lord miraculously and immediately heal my C-Bug, but that is not the path He chose for us to walk. During that long drive to the hospital, the Lord reminded me that He can raise the dead. When my second twin was born, he was born without pulse or respiration, but he is alive and serving the Lord today.

Over the last few weeks, we have sent out daily updates to family and friends. Each time we sent an update with a specific prayer request, within 24 hours God would move and perform nothing short of a miracle. At one point, the lead doctor said if people are praying, I want them to pray, and gave us very specific instructions. Again, God moved and the danger passed.

God has a plan for C-Bug, and I am looking forward to watching her grow up and serve Him.

A few things I have learned during this difficult time.

God is Good

I have had to learn to trust God on a new level. Trust that even when things are bad, He is good. I have seen His hand and felt His great love for all of us, even when things were dark.

He Gives Us His Word

Walking this road, I have often reflected on various biblical events. Job, who went through a horrible time, but didn’t accuse God or blame Him. God did not heal Job immediately, but ultimately he was healed. The Psalms give great comfort and prayers when we don’t know what to pray but want to pray. God’s faithfulness through the generations extends into our day. By reading about His faithfulness to others, it encourages us to remember He will be faithful to us too.

We Need Each Other

I have had family and friends who not only prayed for her, but for her family. One friend shared her experience as a NICU mom, which helped me understand what my son and daughter-in-law were feeling and how to help them. Along with that advice, she helped prepare me for the days ahead. Her advice and encouragement brought light into some dark days.

Our family is blessed with many believers who not only prayed but fasted on her behalf. Every prayer request had hundreds of people praying over the past several weeks.

Remember the Answered Prayers

It is easy to look at the immediate crisis and forget the miracles and answers to prayer that have already happened. I have a special friend and an aunt who have faithfully reminded me of the answers God has given us and that keeps me from being discouraged.

It Is Not About Us

The lives touched through this event will never be known this side of heaven. People who rarely pray began to pray multiple times a day. Medical staff came to her room because “there was just a peace in this room.” As we have posted very specific prayer requests, God has answered them, and for all of us this has been a building up of our faith. As my granddad used to remind us:

“God is still in the miracle business.”


After six long weeks, we were overjoyed to receive word that C-Bug was well enough to head home. She will continue her rehabilitation and healing at home surrounded by her parents, brothers, and extended family. We prayed that she would be home for Passover and Resurrection Sunday and by God’s grace our prayers were answered in abundance.

Although this was not a life event I would have chosen, I am praying that we will be found as faithful as Job during this time of testing.

Is the Lord taking you through a time of testing, or have you come out of a time of testing recently? Take a few minutes to pray for your family and friends who are being tested now. Comment below with their first name so we can be praying with you.

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