How to Create Your Own Step-by-Step Bible Study Lesson
Writing a Bible study lesson doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a little planning and thought, you can create a lesson that’s engaging, impactful, and grounded in Scripture.
Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to get you started.
1. Start with Prayer
Before diving into writing the study, take a moment to stop and pray. Ask God for wisdom, insight, and clarity as you prepare, write, and finalize your plan. Prayer sets the tone for the lesson and allows the Holy Spirit to guide your heart and mind.
2. Choose the Main Bible Passage
Select a passage or set of verses you want to focus on in the lesson. Whether it’s a biblical story, parable, or set of teachings, the Scripture will form the foundational layer of your lesson. Make sure it’s something of interest to your students, has different discussions points, and that has a few application possibilities.
3. Include a Bible Timeline
Understanding where the chosen passage fits within the Bible’s larger story helps you give your students context. Reference a Bible timeline or create one with your students. For example, if you’re studying Abraham, show where his story fits into the Bible’s overall timeline, from creation to the life of Jesus.
4. Prepare Thought-Provoking Discussion Questions
Encourage group interaction by crafting questions that review the facts for younger students but dive deeper into the passage for older students. These should be open-ended questions, allowing for personal reflection and group discussion. For instance:
- What was the name of Abraham’s wife?
- How can we see God at work in this story?
5. Choose a Memory Verse
Pick one verse from the passage that’s simple yet powerful and will trigger the student’s memory of the lesson when they recall it. A memory verse helps anchor the lesson and gives everyone something to carry with them throughout the week. Keep it short and meaningful!
6. Explore Applications
End the lesson by discussing practical ways to apply what’s been learned. How can you live out the truths in the passage? What can you learn from the people you studied? What do you learn about God from these verses?
7. End with Prayer
Close the class with a prayer, asking God to help the class to individually walk in obedience and grow in faith. As part of your ending prayer, ask the Lord to help your students apply what they have learned into their lives.
These are the seven parts of the lesson that will give you a guide to create your own Bible study lesson. You can adjust, rearrange, and add to these these seven parts, as you adapt it to your use as a teacher.
- Prayer for wisdom
- Choose verses as the foundation
- Place the passage in the timeline for context
- Create discussion for interaction
- Select a memory verse to internalize
- End with application and prayer
- Pray for God to help you live out your faith
That’s it! A simple, flexible format that makes Bible study both manageable and meaningful.
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