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Learning the Bible on the Go

Written by Dianna Wiebe on .

Bible study on the go

Are you finding it hard to keep your kids learning the Bible on the go? Summers are busy! This is such a fun season and we know it is hard to keep kids in God’s Word during this time of the year. You are spending a lot of time in the car and kids will be asking, “Are we there yet?”

Every parent who has taken a trip with a child has heard these words. How can you keep your children focused on something productive or fun when we are on a long trip? Prioritizing Bible in the summer months, means you need a simple method that allows you to keep Bible time in your ever-changing summer schedule.

Finally, Let’s look at six simple ways you can use Bible flashcards to keep your children engaged in God’s Word. The Grapevine flashcards contain the characters and events found in the Old Testament and New Testament Bible timelines.

Bible study on Trips

You don’t want to let our Bible study to slack off just because you are on a trip we need to have ways to take our study with us. Trips can be a fun time to review what your children have learned about the Bible in the past few months. It helps you see what they might be interested in studying in the future. Road trips don’t have to be boring with just a simple little planning. And then, you will be encouraged to know it is possible to enjoy vacation time without cutting out Bible time.

How to use Bible Flashcards on a trip

Have children:

  1. Put the flashcards in chronological order.
  2. Recite a memory verse or find a verse related to each flashcard.
  3. Create their own cards
  4. Recite a fact about that card and pass it to the next person. For added difficulty, first, each person passes the card to the next person and that person must give a new fact. Next, the last person to recite a new fact keeps the card. Lastly, whoever has the most cards when you arrive at your destination wins!
  5. Pick a flashcard and give the character/event that is before and after it on the timeline.
  6. Ask a fact-based question related to that character/event to the others in the car. The question could begin with:
    • Who
    • What
    • When
    • Where
    • Why
    • How

Or use your creativity to make up your own questions.

Encourage Kids to ask Questions about the Bible

Watch what happens as you begin to go through the flashcards, these kinds of games open up discussions and questions. For this reason, you have more time for discussions and questions. Therefore, take advantage of the open door to help your kids grow in their faith.

What do you Need to Teach the Bible on the go?

  1. A Bible (physical, digital or audible)
  2. A box or bag for the following items
  3. Bible Flash Cards or index cards and colored pencils to create your own
  4. Old Testament Timeline Teacher book*or New Testament Timeline Teacher book*
  5. Rewards – treats or small toys

            *Available in PDF to take with you on your mobile device.

 Doing Bible on the go is easy with flashcards and timelines for your next road trip! The best part is that the flashcards and Bible timelines are designed to take the burden of planning off of your shoulders. Let us help you make your next trip a time to successfully learn the Bible on the go!

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