
Esther eBooks for Families



As believers, we are encouraged to remain obedient to God and His Word, even in the face of danger. In the book of Esther, we see faith lived out even when fear was present. See how God used Esther to protect His people and give them the victory!

9 Weekly Lessons or 35 Daily Lessons

You Need:

  • Teacher eBook
    • Teacher License: Print for 1 Teacher
  • Student eBook and/or Student Traceable eBook
    •  Family License: Print for your immediate family

Optional Products:

  • Esther Trivia Flash Cards in PDF
  • Esther Wall Timeline in PDF

Original price was: $5.55.Current price is: $4.45.
Original price was: $7.95.Current price is: $6.50.


Esther Bible Study

Has obedience ever cost you? Sometimes we are asked to do things, knowing that doing them is the right thing, but not the easy thing. Queen Esther faced this as well; she had to choose to obey, but that choice of obedience could cost her life!

Travel back to Ancient Persia and watch King Ahasuersus as he began his search for a new queen after banishing Vashti. See a beautiful, young, Jewish woman named Esther become queen in her place.

Then watch God use her courage and obedience, along with the help from her cousin Mordecai, to foil an evil plot by Haman to kill the Jews of Persia.

With this study, you will help your students see that obedience is a choice, and not always an easy one. She is a great example to us of courage in the face of danger.

By the end of this study, your students will be able to draw the timeline of the book of Esther on their own! Your children or student will be able to recite memory verses related to the timeline and tell you facts about the characters and events in this book.

In this Esther Bible study you will:

  • Discover how Esther became the Queen of Persia
  • Watch as Haman tried to kill her and her people
  • See how Esther’s courage saves them
  • Finally, learn why the holiday of Purim was instituted

As believers, we are encouraged to remain obedient to God and His Word, even in the face of danger. In Esther, we see faith demonstrated. Finally, we learn the origin of the biblical holiday of Purim! Don’t wait to get started on your study of Queen Esther, order today!

9 Weekly Lessons or 35 Daily Lessons

Student & Traceable Books: contains the timeline, lesson pages with room to draw, lesson review questions, and memory verses. The traceable student book contains the same information as the student book but has stick figure images to trace. 54 pages.

Format: eBook (PDF) that you can print and is available upon completion of purchase.

Teacher Book: timeline and narrative, lesson notes, stick figure drawings, lesson pages, maps, memory verses, review questions and answers. 82 pages.

Format: eBook (PDF) that you can print and is available upon completion of purchase.

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Be sure to order both the Teacher Book and Student Books for this study.

Sample Lesson

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Supply List

Items needed for this study:

Student Supply List: Bible, Student or Traceable Book, and colored pencils (8 primary colors).

Teacher Supply List: Bible, Teacher Book, dry erase board & markers (8 primary colors), and Bible dictionary.

Be sure to order both the Teacher and Student Books.

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