Follow Joshua as he is trained, called, and leads the Israelites in the conquest of the Promised Land
Has God given you an assignment that challenges your faith? Have you ever lacked the courage to be obedient to a call of God on your life? You are not alone! Learn from the life of Joshua!
Joshua experienced those same things as he took over the leadership of the Israelites after the death of Moses. God gave Joshua the faith and courage to lead the people into the Promised Land, and then helped them conquer that land. With the Joshua study you will show your students what it is like to trust and obey God even in the face of opposition and danger.
During Bible study you will:
- Watch as Joshua became a military leader in the wilderness
- See how he went from the disciple of Moses to the next leader of Israel
- Watch what happened as the children of Israel entered the Promised Land
- Walk with him as he divided the land than led the conquest of the land
- Find out how Joshua fulfilled the promised to Joseph
Joshua’s life shows us how God calls, equips, and encourages those who are called to lead others. Help your students follow his example of courage and strength in the face of overwhelming odds. He is an example of a man who was teachable and took what he was taught and fulfilled the calling God had given him.
19 Weekly Lessons or 70 Daily Lessons
Student & Traceable Books: contains the timeline, lesson pages with room to draw, lesson review questions, and memory verses. The traceable student book contains the same information as the student book but has stick figure images to trace. 104 pages.
Format: eBook in PDF ready for you to print.
Teacher Book: timeline and narrative, lesson notes, stick figure drawings, lesson pages, maps, memory verses, review questions and answers. 152 pages.
Format: eBook in PDF ready for you to print.
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Be sure to order both the Teacher Book and Student Books for this study.