Life of Moses and the Exodus Bible Study
As a teacher, you know the importance of inspiring your students to overcome their doubts and fears and pursue their God-given callings. That’s why we’ve developed a Bible study on the life of Moses and the Exodus! This study equips you with the tools and resources you need to help your students gain the wisdom and inspiration they need to fulfill God’s plan for their lives.
Our study follows Moses’ journey from his birth in a Hebrew slave family to his heroic leadership of the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. Through 13 weekly lessons or 46 daily lessons, your students will learn about Moses’ early years, his flight to Midian, and his eventual call from God to lead the Israelites out of bondage.
Student and Teacher Books
Our student and traceable books make it easy for your students to engage with the material. Students start the study by learning and drawing their own timeline. After the timeline, they explore each part of Moses’ life while they memorize key verses related to the events. Our teacher book provides detailed lesson notes, stick figure drawings, maps, review questions and answers. You will have all the resources you need to facilitate an engaging and effective study.
By the end of this study, your students will be equipped with the knowledge and courage to overcome their doubts and fears to pursue their God-given callings. With our 3-hole punched format, this study is easy to add to your notebook and start using right away.
So, join us on this journey through the life of Moses and the Exodus! Inspire your students to become the courageous and faithful leaders God has called them to be.
Watch a short video Which is best for you? Books or eBooks
Read Which is best for you? Books or eBooks
Lastly, Be sure to order both the Life of Moses Teacher Book and Student Books for this study.