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Bible Timeline Events in December

Written by Dianna Wiebe on .

As we enter the final month of 2022 many things are going through our minds from this past year. As we look at the events that took place in the Bible during this month, we can be encouraged that God is still on the move.

This is a dark time of the year but this month is also when light is the most common theme; the candles are lit for Advent and the 9 branch menorah is lit for  Feast of Lights in December.

Today, let’s look at the events that took place in the Bible and correspond to December.

December 4 – Kislev 10

Advent – First Sunday: Advent is celebrated on the four Sundays preceding Christmas. Advent is a time of preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ first coming in anticipation of His second coming. Traditionally, Christians celebrate with an Advent wreath containing three purple candles, one pink candle, and a white candle. Themes for the first week are biblical patriarchs, expectation, and hope. A purple candle is lit on this Sunday.

December 8 – Kislev 14

Reuben: This is the birthday of Reuben, the first-born son of Jacob by his wife Leah. He lived to be 125 years old. Genesis 29:32

November 9 – Kislev 15

Ezra Prayed: After arriving in Jerusalem with the second group of exiles from Babylon, Ezra was told about the intermarriages among the priests, the Levites, and the children of Israel. On Kislev 17, Ezra began fasting, praying, and confessing the sins of the people while bowing down in front of the Second Temple. Ezra 9:5

December 11 – Kislev 17

Advent – Second Sunday: On the second Sunday of Advent, the first purple candle is relit and another purple candle is lit. Studies revolve around the prophecies concerning the first coming of the Messiah, Jesus. Themes for the second week are prophecy, preparation, and peace.

December 14- Kislev 20

Pagan Wives: After three days of fasting and praying, Ezra convened the men of Judah and Benjamin in Jerusalem. He exhorted those who had disobeyed God by marrying pagan women to begin to obey God by putting away those wives. Ezra 10:1-15.

December 18- Kislev 24

The Second Temple Foundation: The first group of captives left Babylon and arrived in Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. However, after much opposition, the building was stopped by the enemies of the Jews. After an eighteen year delay, the Jews resumed the building of the Second Temple on Kislev 24, 354 BC. Haggai 2:1-14; Ezra 5:1-6:18

Advent – Third Sunday: On the third Sunday of Advent, the first two purple candles are relit and the pink candle is lit. Studies revolve around the coming of John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus. Themes for the third week are angels, Mary, and joy.

December 19 – Kislev 25

Feast of Lights – Day 1: Chanukah (Feast of Dedication) is an eight-day celebration to remember God’s provision. After the Jewish Maccabees defeated the Syrian-Greeks, they rededicated the Temple that was defiled. However, there was only enough holy oil for one day to light the Lampstand in the Temple. By God’s provision, the one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days, giving the priest time to
consecrate more oil. John 10:22

Cain and Abel: According to Jewish history, Kislev 25, 3720 BC, is the day that Cain killed his brother, Abel. This is the first murder recorded in scripture. Genesis 4:1-8

December 24 – Tevet 30

Christmas Eve – Advent: On Christmas Eve, the fifth and final candle is lit, commonly the white candle in the middle of the wreath. Themes for Christmas Eve include the birth of Jesus and the return of Jesus. Luke 2:6-7 and Revelation 1:7

December 25 – Tevet 1

Christmas Day: Throughout the world, Christians celebrate the first coming of Jesus, the long awaited Messiah. As the first-century Jews anticipated Jesus’ first coming, we should anticipate His second coming! Galatians 4:4-6

New Moon/New Month: The month of Tevet begins today. Tevet is pronounced tey-VET.

Mountains: After months of seeing only water, the floodwaters decreased enough for Noah and his family to see mountain peaks. Genesis 8:5

Esther at the Palace: In the tenth month, Esther was taken to the palace of the king to begin her year of beauty treatments before meeting the king. Esther 2:16.

December 27 – Tevet 3

Feast of Lights – Day 8: The last day of the eight-day celebration, known as the Feast of Dedication or the Feast of Lights, ends tonight. Tonight all nine candles are lit. John 10:22

The celebration of the birth of Jesus takes place this month. As we look back to the first coming of Jesus, let’s keep doing the work He has for us as we await His second coming!

Above are the biblical events in December of this year, so you can mark them on your calendar! If you are want to know all the events in 2022 I recommend the new 2023 Bible events calendar.

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