How to Pray for Those in a War Zone
How can we pray for those in the war zone? As we look around the world there are several areas in conflict. As believers we can best help with our prayers.
For example, this last weekend we saw the State of Israel attacked and enter a time of war. As believers, we can lift up those in Israel and Gaza as they enter a time of war. But this is not the only area at war, we look around the world there are several area in conflict so this prayer list can be adapted for those as well.
For many years I have been connected to a blogger from Croatia, Rosilind. She has worked with people in Europe who were fleeing a war zone and she sent me ideas on how we can pray for those in a war zone, I have adapted her recommendations for the current war.
10 Ways to Pray for those in the War Zone
1. Pray for the safety of the Israeli people and others in war zones.
2. Pray for those who were kidnapped – for their safety and for a quick return to their families. Pray that the families looking for their loved ones will find them quickly.
3. Pray for the hundreds of families who will be preparing the bury their loved ones. Many families are looking for loved ones who have not yet been found or identified. Let’s pray that through this time of grief people will turn to God and feel His comfort.
4. Pray for Believers in the land to be light during this dark time.
5. Pray for all military leaders, to know what to do and what not to do since they will give an account both now and later for their actions.
6. Pray for the innocent on both sides. Many in Gaza do not want this war any more than those living in Israel, but Gaza is controlled by their terrorist. Pray for others who are caught in areas that are controlled by those wanting war.
7. Pray for provision for people in the war zone.
8. Prayer for travel arrangements: Many visiting Israel are trying to return home, while many Israelis are trying to return to their families. Pray for escape for those who need it.
9. Pray that medical staff as they try to take care of many wounded. Pray for families members as they are caring for those lightly and moderately injured and were sent home to make room for the seriously injured Israel. In some areas of the world, the conflicts have drug on, so pray for endurance for those caring for the wounded there too.
10. Pray for world leaders and world armies who are making plans. God is very clear that He will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. We need to pray for our leaders to have wisdom and listening to godly advice, even if they don’t realize it is from the Lord.
I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Genesis 12:3
As I read back over this list I am humbled to consider all the things I take for granted each day, like family, health, safety, access to food and shelter, etc.
Today, take a few minutes to print this list, add to it, and pray over it with your family; our brothers and sisters in Christ are counting on us doing our part to support them in prayer while they are in a war zone. One day it might be us in this position and we will be asking God to stir up prayer on our behalf.
God remains on His throne and will move on behalf of His people as we pray. Let this time also remind us to live a righteous life so that when the time of our testing comes, we can past the tests.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their prayers; But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. I Peter 3:12
May the Lord bless you as you pray,
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