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How to Teach a Preschool – Kindergarten a Bible Lesson with Grapevine

Written by Dianna Wiebe on .

How to Teach a Preschool to Kindergarten a Bible Lesson

Teaching a preschool and kindergarten Bible lesson is both challenging and rewarding. The instructions below will ease you into the Grapevine method of teaching a lesson.

At Grapevine, we believe everyone can learn the Bible at their level, including preschool and kindergarten children. Using the following step-by-step instructions you can successfully disciple these children the Lord has entrusted into your care.

Let’s get started!

Before Teaching a PreK-K Class

1. Pray:

Nothing can replace the time a teacher spends in prayer with our Master Teacher, the Lord Jesus. We need the Lord to first teach us and then we will be ready and excited to teach our students or children. Prayer for our students should be something we sprinkle into our week.

2. Gather Materials for a PreK-K Class:

Teacher Materials:

  • Bible of your choice.
  • Teacher Book for your study.
  • Bible Dictionary to look up words in the     teacher book to be able to better explain them to your students.

Classroom Materials:

  • White Marker Board or Chalkboard to be to draw the stick figure images for each passage. However, sometimes you might not be able to do that, so you can show them your teacher book or the image from your device if you have a teacher ebook.
  • Markers or Chalk at least 8 colors.

Student Materials:

  • Bible of your choice. We do recommend that you use a translation and not a children’s Bible or paraphrase Bible. Even if your young child is not able to read, we get them in the habit of having their Bible ready for Bible study.
  • Student Book for your study, either the regular student book in which the child freehand draws or the traceable book so the child can trace the stick figure drawing for that passage.
  • Colored Pencils at least 8 colors but if your students like to use more colors then use more.

3. Lesson Preparation for PreK-Kindergarten:

Read verses from the Bible of your choice. I also recommend that if you have time to read the passages out of at least two different translations. This gives you two views of each passage.

Read teacher notes in the Teacher book and then notes then things you would like to cover in each section of the lesson.

Look up words in the Bible dictionary that are recommended in the Teacher book and any words you are unfamiliar with the meaning.

Read the Lesson Review questions and answers. Add any additional questions you would like to ask your students.

Determine the Application for this lesson. How do you want to apply these verses and this lesson to the hearts of your students? Note any ways this application can be sprinkled each section of the lesson.

Review the Memory Verse for this lesson.

PreK- K Class Time

  • Set out student books and pencils or have students get their books and pencils. I have found that if I am teaching in a classroom that having the books and pencils set out before class helps students excited to start the lesson.
  • Pray with your students.

Lesson time

  1. Read the passage from the Bible then paraphrase it. If they are old enough to read, have them read the passage. It is very good for children to hear the Bible read to them.
  2. Discuss the passage and ask questions of your students to ensure they understand. Ask them if they have questions.
  3. Draw the stick figure on the board as you discuss the passage.
  4. Students draw the stick figure into their books. The minimum you want them to draw is what you have in your teacher book. The more they draw and interact with the passage the more they will retain.
  5. Ask Lesson Review questions and have your students answer them verbally. Ask any additional questions you have for them.
  6. Introduce the memory verse for the lesson.
Notebooks for PreK-K Students

We recommend that you keep all the lessons in a notebook and not send lessons home with students each week. This accomplishes two goals:

1. Students see what they are learning about the Bible is not to be thrown away. Plus, it makes parents happy to not have more paper to deal with each week when leaving church or class.

2. Many churches and groups have found it very meaningful to give the notebooks to parents at the end of class. This is a keepsake that parents value and appreciate. In addition, we find that the kids like to go back and look at their drawings and can often recall much of the lesson simply by looking at the drawings.

Parent involvement

If you are teaching in a classroom encourage parents to ask their children about the lesson. If you are teaching at home, dinner time can be a great time to review with dad what mom and the kids studied that day. This gives dad a chance to be part of the lesson.

Teaching Preschool and Kindergarten students the Bible can be a joy. What is one thing you like about teaching preschool to kindergartners?

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