Moses & the Exodus eBooks for Families



Inspire your students to be bold and obedient in their faith, just like Moses! Despite feeling inadequate and unsure of himself, Moses trusted in the Lord’s call and led the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. With this engaging and inspiring study, you can help your students develop the courage to follow their own calling, no matter how daunting it may seem.

13 Weekly Lessons or 46 Daily Lessons

You Need:

  • Teacher eBook
    • Teacher License: Print for 1 Teacher
  • Student eBook and/or Student Traceable eBook
    • Family License: Print for your immediate family

Optional Products:

  • Moses Wall Timeline in PDF


SKU: MOS-Family Categories: , , ,


Life of Moses and the Exodus Bible Study

The life of Moses…  have you ever been given an assignment that felt overwhelming? Ever wanted to quit before you began? I have good news for you! This is exactly how Moses felt when God called him to deliver the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt.

Moses was born to a slave family in Goshen, a member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi. Through a series of events, he was adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised in the courts of Egypt. Not long after learning he was a Hebrew, he fled Egypt for Midian. There he married, had sons, and then God appeared to him. From a burning bush, God called Moses to deliver the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt. Although fearful at the beginning, Moses trusted God and obeyed. Eventually, leading the children of Israel to freedom!

By the end of this study, your students will be able to draw the life of Moses’ timeline on their own, from his birth to the exodus from Egypt! Your children or students will be able to recite memory verses related to the timeline and tell you facts about the events of Moses’ life.

In this Bible study you will:

  • Explore the life of Moses, his birth and early years
  • Watch as he fled Egypt
  • Meet his family in Midian
  • See how God called him to deliver the people out of bondage
  • Count the number of times he appeared before Pharaoh
  • Discover the events leading up to the Exodus out of Egypt

Moses did not allow his feelings of inadequacy to stop him from fulfilling what the Lord had called him to do. You can encourage your students to be like Moses and be obedient to the Lord’s call, regardless of how they feel. Give your students courage; study the life of Moses and the Exodus with them today!

13 Weekly Lessons or 46 Daily Lessons

Student & Traceable Books: contains the timeline, lesson pages with room to draw, lesson review questions, and memory verses. The traceable student book contains the same information as the student book but has stick figure images to trace. 70 pages.

Format: eBook (PDF) that you can print and is available upon completion of purchase.

Teacher Book: contains the timeline and narrative, lesson notes, stick figure drawings, lesson pages, maps, memory verses, review questions and answers. 104 pages.

Format: eBook (PDF) that you can print and is available upon completion of purchase.

Watch a short video Which is best for you? Books or eBooks

Read Which is best for you? Books or eBooks

Be sure to order both the Life of Moses Teacher Book and Student Books for this study.

Sample Lesson

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Supply List

Items needed for this study:

Student Supply List: Bible, Student or Traceable Book, and colored pencils (8 primary colors).

Teacher Supply List: Bible, Teacher Book, dry erase board & markers (8 primary colors), and Bible dictionary.

Be sure to order both the Teacher and Student Books.

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