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Bible Timeline Events in May

Written by Dianna Wiebe on .

Welcome to the Bible timeline events for the month of May! This month begins with Jesus appearing to His disciples after His resurrection and ends by remembering the events that were taking place after the children of Israel left Egypt.

Get ready to mark your calendars and read the corresponding passages of Scripture, for each event. Join us as we journey through history, one day at a time.

May 1 – Nisan 23

  • Marah: According to Jewish history, this is the date on which the children of Israel camped at the bitter waters of Marah in the year 1312 BC. God told Moses how to make the bitter waters sweet.     Exodus 15:23-25

May 2 – Nisan 24

  • Jesus and His Disciples: After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to His disciples. He showed them the scars on this hands and feet, and ate with them. Luke 24:36-39

May 4 – Nisan 26

  • Death of Joshua: Today marks the traditional date of the death of Joshua, son of Nun He was the disciple of Moses and led the children of Israel after the death of Moses .Joshua lived to be 110 years old and he is buried in the hill country of Ephraim. Judges 2:8
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May 7 – Nisan 29

  • Jericho Fell: After Joshua and his men walked around the walls of Jericho for seven days, God brought down the walls of Jericho on Nisan 29, according to Jewish history. Joshua 6:15-20

May 9 – Iyar 1


  • Census: The Lord instructed Moses to take a census of the children of Israel the second year after leaving Egypt. Moses counted all the men, aged 20 and older, by tribe. Since this was a census for men of war, the Levites were excluded. Numbers 1:1-3


  • Second Temple: The building of the Second Temple began in Jerusalem by Zerubbabel and those who returned with him from captivity in Babylon. The Second Temple was built on the exact location of the First Temple. Ezra 3:8

May 17 – Iyar 9

  • Joseph’s Dream: According to Jewish tradition this is the date on which God gave Joseph the dream where the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed before him. Genesis 37:9

May 18 – Iyar 10

  • Eli the Priest Died: On this day, Eli the Priest died after receiving word his sons were dead. Samuel lived at in Shiloh and helped Eli with the work of the Tabernacle. Eli taught and took care of the prophet Samuel as he grew up.  I Samuel 4:18

May 22 – Iyar 14

  • Second Passover: If a person is unable to keep the Feast of Passover, the biblical law allows you to celebrate the Passover one month later. The second Passover would have been celebrated by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus because they were unable to celebrate after burying Jesus. Numbers 9:6

May 23 – Iyar 15

  • Quail: The Bible records that the children of Israel complained against Moses because the bread they had brought out of Egypt was depleted. At evening, on this day, God sent a great number of quail to the children of Israel. Exodus 16:1-36

May 24 – Iyar 16

  • Manna: On this morning, Scripture records that manna fell for the rest time. Manna would continue to fall throughout the wilderness wanderings of the children of Israel. Manna stopped falling only when they entered the Promised Land. Exodus 16:4-5 and Joshua 5:12
Old Testament Journals

May 25 – Iyar 17

  • The Flood Subsided: After forty days and nights of rain, the flood waters remained on the earth of 150 days, after which the waters began to subside on the earth. Genesis 7:23-8

May 28 – Iyar 20

  • The Cloud Moved: On this day the cloud was taken up from the Tabernacle leading the children of Israel away from Sinai and into the Wilderness of Paran. Numbers 10:11

May 30 – Iyar 22

  • First Sabbath: Traditionally, this marks the first Sabbath for the children of Israel after receiving the manna from the Lord. For six days they were to gather manna, and on the seventh day they were to rest. Exodus 16:4-5, 26-27

May 31 – Iyar 23

  • Water from the Rock: In Jewish history on Iyar 23 in 1313 BC, Moses hit the rock at Horeb to provide water for the children of Israel and their flocks. This location was then named Massah or Meribah. Exodus 17:6-7

Having all the Bible Timeline events for May, you can now easily mark your calendars. But, are you curious about what’s coming up for the rest of the year? Get your Biblical Calendar Notes today.


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