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See the Biblical Timeline Events for March

Written by Dianna Wiebe on .

March is packed with significant moments in the Biblical timeline, starting with the ninth plague on Egypt – the Plague of Darkness. As we journey through the month, we’ll each key events and end the month with the glorious celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.

On our modern calendar, March covers the biblical month of Adar (ahDAR). This year is a leap year, so there’s an additional month. Usually, Adar is a single month, but in leap years, it splits into Adar 1 and Adar II. When there is a leap year, 7 times in the 19 year cycle, the month of Adar doubles and becomes Adar 1 and Adar 2. Let’s see what is happening in this month of March and Adar II.

Let’s see what happened in March!

Resurrection Bible Study

March 11 – Adar II 1

  • New Moon/New Month: The month of Adar I begins tonight at sunset.
  • Plague of darkness: According to Jewish history, this is the date the plague of darkness began in Egypt. The children of Israel living in Goshen were not effected by the plague of darkness only those living in Egypt experienced the darkness. Exodus 10:23

March 13 – Adar II 3

  • Second Temple Completed: Under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Jeshua, the first group of captives returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon. After many years and several delays, the Second Temple was completed and dedicated to God on this day.  Ezra 6:13-16

March 16 – Adar II 6

  • Moses and the Pentateuch: On Adar 6, 1273 BC, Moses completed the thirteen copies of the Pentateuch according to tradition. One copy was created for each of the twelve tribes of Israel and one copy for the Ark of the Covenant. Deuteronomy 31:9

March 17 – Adar II 7

  • The Song of Moses: On this day, Moses gave the children of Israel a song, referred to later in Scripture as the Song of Moses. After singing this song, God allowed Moses to see the Promised Land. Deuteronomy 32:1-43
  • Moses Died: On Adar 7, 1273, Moses died at the age of 120. According to Jewish history, this was also his birthday. Moses died on Mount Nebo and was buried by God in the valley of Moab. To this day, the location of his grave is unknown. Deuteronomy 34:5-8

March 22 – Adar II 12

  • Second Temple Rededicated: Jewish history records Adar 12, 11 BC as the re-dedication of the Second Temple after Herod the Great completed his renovations. While Herod was king, he had the Second Temple restored and the courtyard expanded. This was the Temple at which Jesus worshiped. This Temple and the surrounding courtyards were completed in 63 AD and destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.

March 23 – Adar II 13

  • Haman: The Bible records Haman casting lots on this day to determine the date of destruction for the Ancient Persian Jews. Once the date was set, he issued the death decree that was sent throughout the kingdom. Esther 3:12
  • Haman’s Sons Died: One year after Haman set the date for the Jews to be killed, his ten sons were killed in Sushan and then hung on the gallows. Esther 9:6-10,13-14
  • Fast of Esther: Today is traditionally known as Esther Fast. It is a time to fast and remember how Esther and the Jews of Persia fasted before she went to the king asking him to spare the Jewish people from Haman’s death decree. Esther 4:15-17

March 24 & 25 – Adar II 14 & 15

  • Purim: The holiday of Purim was instituted in the book of Esther. These days are set aside to remember how God used Queen Esther of Persia to deliver His people from death. Purim is celebrated for two days. Esther 9:21. Study Esther this week!

March 25 – Adar II 15

  • Palm Sunday: The Sunday preceding Easter on the Christian calendar is known as Palm Sunday. This commemorates the day Jesus entered Jerusalem for the final time. Palms remind us of when the people laid down clothing and branches on the road as Jesus entered Jerusalem. Matthew 21:8

March 26 – Adar II 16

  • Walls of Jerusalem: By Jewish tradition this is the day King Agrippa began rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in 41 BC.

March 28 – Adar II 18

  • Half-Shekel: According to some Christian traditions, with in this week, Jesus told Peter to catch a sh, take the coin from its mouth, and pay the Temple tax of half a shekel for each of them. Matthew 17:24-27

March 29- Adar 19

  • Good Friday: On the Christian calendar, Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, is also known as Holy Friday or Great Friday. Good Friday is remembered as the day Jesus was beaten, crucified, died, and was buried. For some, this is a day of fasting. Mark 15:1-16:6

March 31- Adar 21

  • Resurrection Sunday: After three days in the grave, Jesus rose from the dead, conquering death and the grave! Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. HE IS RISEN! Matthew 28:6 The date for Easter is set as the first Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon. The date for this holiday changes every year.

That wraps up our March expedition through the Biblical timeline! If you’ve enjoyed this journey, you’ll love our Biblical Calendar Notes – a handy resource to delve into events each month. Don’t miss out on the Calendar Sticker Dates and Events – perfect for marking your calendar with these significant moments. Grab your calendar notes and stickers now!

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